Careview Hospice dedicated Interdisciplinary team work together to provide the enhanced quality of care you deserve.

At Careview Hospice, a provider of hospice care in San Antonio, Texas, our care team is composed of trained professionals with experience providing patients and their families with the proper caregiving and patient-centered comfort required to get through life-limiting illnesses. Our care team includes physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, bereavement counselors, aids, and volunteers.

doctor smiling
medical professionals smiling
nurse smiling
woman smiling

Hospice Physician

Every patient receiving care from Careview Hospice is closely observed by our hospice physician. The doctor monitors the patient's condition closely and provides the right medication when needed. To further enhance the quality of life and effectively treat symptoms, the doctor collaborates closely not only with the patient's selected doctor but also with other team members, including our nurses.

Hospice Nurse

The assessment and management of patients' pain and symptoms is our nurses' area of expertise. They collaborate closely with the family members to educate and mentor them regarding treatment and care techniques, in addition to providing hands-on care.

Hospice Aide

Certified nursing assistants who work with patients on personal care duties, including washing, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed, are our hospice aides. By taking care of housekeeping, they relieve family caregivers of some of their burdens.

Hospice Chaplain

Our chaplains are on hand to support the patients and their family's spiritual needs. Our chaplains are available at any point during the hospice care process and are supportive of all cultural and religious traditions.

Hospice Social Worker

Social workers offer patients and their families emotional assistance. They provide counseling and assistance in addition to organizing and planning every aspect of the patient's treatment, including helping with money, arranging for a burial, and liaising with insurance companies, among many other duties. Our social workers will be on hand to help with a variety of chores at any time.

Bereavement Specialist

Our bereavement specialist assists with loss and sadness in advance of death. Following a death, family members are entitled to up to 13 months of bereavement support, which includes education, support groups, and direct, one-on-one assistance. For individuals who have just lost a loved one, hospice is always available to offer support.

Hospice Volunteer

Our volunteers have a strong desire to uplift patients and their families and to improve their quality of life. They occasionally assist with care and are experts at providing hospice-related companionship. Hospice volunteers are essential to the organization because they visit patients and provide thoughtful surprises that leave a lasting impression on both the patients and their families.